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I've been so unproductive with my art this summer ^^; This is one of the few sketches I've done. I think I need to do one of those draw something every day for like a week or month or something. :XD:

Drew this with mechanical pencils (3H and 4B), grey copic sketch markers (C0, C1, C2) and white gel pen. I also painted a little bit more in PS.

Thanks for looking. Hopefully I will have more drawings to show for in the future!! :meow:

:bulletpink: G A L L E R Y
:bulletpink: T I P S  &  F A Q
:bulletpink: S K I L L S H A R E
:bulletpink: G U M R O A D
:bulletpink: I N S T A G R A M
:bulletpink: Y O U T U B E
:bulletpink: A R T W O R K B Y G A B R I E L L E
Image size
540x416px 148.92 KB
HP oj7200
Date Taken
Jul 12, 2011, 3:06:41 PM
© 2011 - 2024 GabrielleBrickey
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